Greetings Beautiful People

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. Please note that although I do post here every now and again, I post on Facebook 2-3 times per day. I upload pictures from photo shoots as I do them. I post comments about specials and special events and offer Facebook fans first dibs on limited-space events. There is a blue Facebook link on this page which will take you to the Facebook fan page I speak of. Please take a peek over there if you want a more up-to-date glance at what's happening. Thanks again for visiting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Website Launched

The big moment has come! I hit the magic "Go Live" button a few days ago and I was just able to log in to my new website for the very first time. I have been talking about this new website for about 2 years now so for it to finally be a reality --- well, let's just say I am very happy and excited right now. :-) It was a huge task going through past photo sessions and picking out my favorite one or two images per session. I'd think of a session to load up and sort through and that would remind me of another session and another and my goodness, it was overwhelming at times. I have to say I'm thrilled and extremely relieved that the initial job is over. Big, happy sigh. I am at peace with the universe at this moment. The website gods are smiling down at me for finally getting this task complete, at least stage one. As you will notice, not all of the galleries are complete yet but they will be in the upcoming weeks. Anyhow, I do hope you visit often as I add more images to the collection. Most importantly, I hope you truly enjoy the images and are moved by them as you view them.