Greetings Beautiful People

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. Please note that although I do post here every now and again, I post on Facebook 2-3 times per day. I upload pictures from photo shoots as I do them. I post comments about specials and special events and offer Facebook fans first dibs on limited-space events. There is a blue Facebook link on this page which will take you to the Facebook fan page I speak of. Please take a peek over there if you want a more up-to-date glance at what's happening. Thanks again for visiting.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Photo Ben Is A Daddy!!!!

Most of you have met the fabulous photographer and my very good friend, Ben. But did you know that he was soon to be a daddy?? Well, after what feels like the longest pregnancy ever, his wife, Lolise, finally had their baby. Sweet little Alexandra Dianne was born June 1 at Bayfront Hospital. I took these photographs shortly after they arrived home from the hospital. This little baby girl is just a ball of cuteness. She has a head full of dark wavy hair and was awake and alert almost the whole time I was there. I just wanted to gobble her up! Congratulations Ben, Lolise and Junior! Enjoy every moment; you will blink and she will be toddling around. Another blink, she will be starting kindergarten and so on.

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