Greetings Beautiful People

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. Please note that although I do post here every now and again, I post on Facebook 2-3 times per day. I upload pictures from photo shoots as I do them. I post comments about specials and special events and offer Facebook fans first dibs on limited-space events. There is a blue Facebook link on this page which will take you to the Facebook fan page I speak of. Please take a peek over there if you want a more up-to-date glance at what's happening. Thanks again for visiting.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sex And The City Contest Pics

PLEASE VOTE!! (Please go to our Facebook page to find the entire collection of photos and to vote.)

When you are going through them, "like" the ones you feel convey the spirit of Sex and the City. You can like as many of them as you want. At the end of the weekend, midnight on Sunday May 16, the winner will get two free tickets to the movie at Westshore Plaza.

I have to tell you working on these has been a blast. I remember your stories and the laughs and those drinks and those laughs. What a remarkable group of diverse, powerful yet vulnerable women!! Lovely wonderful people, thank you again for attending and thank you all for your support!

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