Greetings Beautiful People

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page. Please note that although I do post here every now and again, I post on Facebook 2-3 times per day. I upload pictures from photo shoots as I do them. I post comments about specials and special events and offer Facebook fans first dibs on limited-space events. There is a blue Facebook link on this page which will take you to the Facebook fan page I speak of. Please take a peek over there if you want a more up-to-date glance at what's happening. Thanks again for visiting.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Birth Of Molly Brings Profound Changes

I know this is delayed but I wasn't a blogger in February when Molly was born and I really wanted to post a few photos of my little love munch in her first few days of life. Molly Grace was born February 5 and weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. We are so very happy to have her in our lives. As most of you know, when I first found out I was pregnant, I was pretty devastated. A new baby wasn't in the planner. It wasn't even a thought or an option we were considering. I had put so much into my business. I was spending 40 plus hours a week at the studio and coming home exhausted. Even when I was home, I was thinking about work-related matters. I thought how on earth am I going to keep up with everything I have going on and weave caring for a newborn into it? The answer is simple: I'm not. The addition of Molly to our family has proven to be just what we needed to re-focus. I didn't realize how my priorities had shifted. I was making decisions that I would surely regret; the biggest one being I was putting far too much time into my work and giving my family whatever energy I had left over --- which wasn't much. I love photography and will, I am sure, be doing photography for many years to come. But, the birth of Molly has reminded me of my true matters of consequence. I have been blessed with a wonderful family. My people, Ingmar, Jaeden and Molly are gifts. They are what I will have in the end --- or maybe not. I may not have them in the end which makes it even more important to be with them now. So, the lesson of the year is not to give up my life as a photographer but to learn how to balance all these things that make me me. To make decisions which allow me to embrace my family and to nurture other joys like photographing your little peeps. It's all good. I can see, like always, everything happens for a reason. Molly is a joyful little being sent here with much purpose as we all are. I can say I am enjoying this, my last chance, at being a mom to a sweet little baby.
And, did I mention how freakin cute she is?

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